What we do

Never too heavy
Heavy goods are not too heavy for us. We took these side thrusters to various shipyards in Europe.

Your container loads
We offer container loading of all kinds. We can find a solution for container shipping every time.

Let us pack it
We can offer a full package of services, from picking up your cargo with specialised transport, to packing ocean and air freight, to delivery at final destination.

We love special challenges
We fully support e-mobility and are proud to have transported this HiPhi Z from China to Bremerhaven for a trade fair on e-mobility. We provided full service from A to Z including customs clearance.

Let's go big!
Anyone can do small.
We find a solution for large air freight shipments, if necessary by charter.

Nothing we can't handle!
There's no load that we can't handle. We have all the necessary tools and connections.
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